Hong Kong Protests 2019: A Recap of the June Events

Hong Kong Protests 2019: A Recap of the June Events
Photo by Simon Zhu / Unsplash


The Hong Kong Protests of 2019 captured global attention as citizens and supporters took to the streets in unprecedented numbers to express their concerns and fight for their rights. The events that unfolded in June played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of the movement. In this article, we will delve into the key protests that took place in June, highlighting their significance and the impact they had on Hong Kong and the world.

June 9 Protest: Millions Rally Against Extradition Bill

On June 9, an estimated one million Hong Kongers marched through the streets to voice their opposition to the proposed extradition bill. The bill, which would have allowed extradition to mainland China, raised fears of eroding Hong Kong's autonomy and compromising the freedoms enjoyed by its citizens. This peaceful demonstration marked the beginning of a groundswell of public discontent and ignited a larger movement demanding the bill's withdrawal.

Protesters march against a new extradition law proposal on June 9, 2019, in Hong Kong. Anthony Kwan/Getty Images

June 12 Protest: Storming the Legislative Council

The June 12 protest witnessed a more confrontational approach as protesters clashed with the police outside the Legislative Council (LegCo) building. Thousands gathered to prevent the bill's second reading, and tensions escalated throughout the day. As clashes intensified, protesters attempted to storm the LegCo building, marking a significant escalation in the protest movement. The scenes of chaos and clashes with tear gas became emblematic of the determination and frustration felt by Hong Kongers.

Harcourt Road tear smoke view on June 12, 2019 in Admiralty, Hong Kong. Wpcpey

June 16 Protest: Two Million Strong Call for Withdrawal

On June 16, an estimated two million protesters flooded the streets of Hong Kong, surpassing the previous demonstrations in scale and significance. This massive turnout showcased the resilience and determination of the Hong Kong people in their demand for the full withdrawal of the extradition bill. The sheer number of participants sent a powerful message to the government and the world, demonstrating the unity and resolve of the movement.

Images and GIF from Mothership

Impact and Aftermath

The June protests had a profound impact on the trajectory of the movement and Hong Kong's future. While the government eventually suspended the bill in response to public pressure, it failed to fully withdraw it, leading to continued unrest and demands for broader political reforms. The protests also highlighted deep-rooted grievances, including concerns about eroding civil liberties, police brutality, and the erosion of the "one country, two systems" principle.

Beyond Hong Kong's borders, the protests drew international attention and sparked debates on democracy, human rights, and China's influence. The movement garnered support from activists, politicians, and ordinary citizens worldwide, serving as a reminder of the importance of defending fundamental freedoms.


The June protests during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests were crucial moments in the movement's timeline. The massive turnouts, the confrontations with the police, and the unity displayed by millions of Hong Kongers exemplified their determination and unwavering commitment to protecting their rights and freedoms. The events of June galvanized the movement, inspiring further actions and shaping the ongoing fight for democracy and autonomy in Hong Kong.

Honoring the Bravery and Perseverance of Hong Kong's Protests 

As we reflect on the events that unfolded in June during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests, it is essential to remember the immense bravery demonstrated by countless individuals who fearlessly voiced their concerns, striving to preserve Hong Kong's status as a beacon of democracy in our world. Unfortunately, even today, the aftermath of these protests remains marked by the plight of imprisoned and missing protestors, as well as reports of suspicious incidents where individuals allegedly took their own lives while in police custody. These disheartening realities serve as a stark reminder that the fight for justice and freedom is far from over.

In the face of adversity, the protestors in Hong Kong displayed extraordinary courage, standing up for their rights and the values they hold dear. Their unwavering determination ignited a movement that captivated the world's attention and continues to inspire people worldwide. Their voices echoed through the streets of Hong Kong, demanding accountability, safeguarding civil liberties, and fighting against the erosion of the cherished "one country, two systems" principle.

It is crucial to acknowledge the sacrifices made by those who have faced imprisonment or disappearance in their pursuit of a more democratic Hong Kong. Their unwarranted suffering serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and risks involved in advocating for change. We honor their courage and remember their sacrifices, steadfast in our commitment to supporting their cause.

The fight for democracy and autonomy in Hong Kong is ongoing. As we commemorate the bravery of those who took to the streets in June, we must not lose sight of the importance of defending fundamental freedoms worldwide. The events of that month serve as a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the indomitable nature of those who believe in the power of their voices to effect change.

Let us stand in solidarity with the people of Hong Kong, continuing to raise awareness, support their cause, and advocate for justice. Together, we can work towards a world where democracy and human rights are cherished, and the voices of the oppressed are heard and valued. The fight is far from over, and our collective efforts can make a difference.

Check out Pistachio's Video "Stand With Hong Kong, Fight For Freedom"

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